Why Was The Tempus Network Created?

Shahal Khan
11 min readOct 17, 2021
The Economy Of Self Sustainability

Tempus Network was created to enable a person, regardless of geography, age, gender, economic status or educational level, to use the internet as a tool to earn enough income through digital assets at a minimum to feed, clothe and house themselves.

Lack of these minimum levels of support results in a scarcity that has plagued and led to violent conflict within the human race for millennia. The goal of Tempus is lofty, grand, true democratization of the ability to earn. But at this distinct time, achievable, thanks to innovation and technical advancements at levels that were not possible even twenty-four months before the time of this writing.

It will be the first global platform where the human collective will be able to account for the time they spend on an activity, action and have that linked to a value in local currency. That value is placed behind an asset-based digital token. The Tokens are kept on a balance sheet that is community-based yet global.

It is valued on measurement of work engagement and its effect within the Social Media-Gaming platforms they are connected to.

As the number of people participate and engage through the platform (these can be gamification of Education, Charity, Sports). All of their work is placed behind the token as an asset, “Sweat Equity”. It is the first global income collective where the total time and actions of a person are captured and compensated behind a digital token that can be converted into fiat currency based on their effort.

Time that was not monetizable before is worth trillions of dollars lost to people directly that are currently using the internet as a medium to engage. The Monetization of Time is the key element for Labor, it is another name for a human activity which goes with life itself, which in its turn is not produced for sale.

All actions done on social media and other platforms today that are monetized by third parties must now be captured and paid to the digital asset token earned by the person directly. That token value emerges behind the TEMPUS coin which they can encash for use in their economy. The income diversification in this model has no boundaries nor limits.

As a theoretical Economist to be in 1994, when I was writing my Final Paper for Macro Economics at The School Of International Service at American University, an epiphany hit me.

The world economy was going to break up, into five major continental markets. This would happen due to income disparity and Geo-Politics.

I will get into detail about this breakup later in this article. The break-up was a thought initially ridiculous to ponder at that time, with Globalization in full force, dollar dominating all commerce. Keynesian economics was at its top, the rage of the decade of consumption was in full bloom. The Berlin wall had fallen a few years prior, the U.S. was then the premier economy, the undisputed leader of the world.

The dollar fueled by Mid East Oil and protected by the Naval Sixth Fleet seemed invincible. The Military-Industrial complex was running at full integrated steam, linked to the world economy. It seemed a very irrational thought on the surface to ever believe there could ever be a David and that this Globalized Economy becomes Goliath, it was too powerful, too interconnected.

But that power, that plan which had put this economy together, instinctively told me was its failing. Two pieces of intelligence, namely how China came into this global construct and how the U.S. stock market was used to support the economy I felt were the Achilles heel, if hit at the right moment in time, would collapse this Goliath.

A third piece that was not part of the Achilles heel, but rather was more a slow growing decease, was the nature of the creation and tenents of a corporation. What are it’s true motives?.

Public companies have been changed by a totally synthetic stock market today used for economic growth and sustainability of income rather than creation of real value linked to work or end value created within a reasonable premium.

There are a handful of companies that control and move this market. The fundamental valuation of these companies are based largely on expected returns of the future. In order to keep the economy growing we have now created a benchmark out of the stock market for what is perceived to be limitless growth, unfortunately to a large degree these fundamentals are supported by “false values”. The overvaluation of these companies in the US markets in general is at the determent of the faith of the retail investors that expect large returns to bridge thier income gap. The public that are invested in this market are at the greatest risk if sentiment of returns drops.

Public market investors do not represent the whole of society, but in a stock market adjustment or major correction they can effect the total economy in a negative manner if a market crash creates a panic.

This is a great danger if we want a stable and balanced society to exist. For the general public to live constantly in the fear of a market correction out of forces they do not control in any manner.

The stock market is still a great venue to raise capital for a company with sound fundamentals creating new value and for the public to share in profits, but it should not be a casino or a substitute for a pension.

This creates a danger that if those values implode, so does the economy based today on the size of the market and its link to the economy as a whole.

The fourth and perhaps the most important piece was the failure of democracy and capitalism to create a universal level of income at the basic level to support human needs.

I’m not speaking of Socialism here, I truly believe that’s a model which will never allow full expression of human will and creativity, but a model where the economy is run by the choices of the will of the people, those that want to achieve more are given the platform to do so. Those that wish to live without competing in an open market economy, are given the ability to earn enough to receive healthcare, feed, house, educate themselves without debt and not worry about real wages not keeping up with inflation.

There are now some facts below I would like to point out at this time, which show that this economic body has perhaps reached its tipping point and soon the Achilles Heel I spoke about will be exposed.

Some Facts As of October 2021

  • Workers lost $3.7 trillion during the pandemic. Women and Gen Z saw the biggest losses
  • World’s Billionaires got richer by $3.9 Trillion during the pandemic
  • Inequality in America has grown to immense proportions, the average American is $60,000 in debt
  • Older people in the U.S. are declaring bankruptcy at a higher rate than ever
  • Inflation is hitting the US and other markets, Healthcare, Education, Food, Rent and House prices all have gone up almost 100% since 2010
  • Average incomes have not risen for decades, Americans and Europeans have not earned more now since the ’70s
  • Most people in the U.S. have less than $400 in their bank account, any emergence allows them a zero safety net
  • The Middle class is now a debt-ridden class enslaved to the banks, which in turn are controlled totally by the central banks
  • With today's incomes having a family, a home, retirement through average income without being in debt is next to impossible

How we got here, the very short history of Money

For thousands of years prior to the advent of the Central banks, money — the conceptual unit of account that we call currency- was tied to precious metals “Gold Standard”. The adjective “precious” — referring to the fundamental limit on availability established by the scarcity of the metal— This all ended officially in 1971 with Nixon ending the gold standard. From then on the US dollar has been backed largely by its float, economic strength as envisioned by its partners, and largely Oil whose totally supply chain and settlement it supports.

Today though the capability to digitize assets and trade them for value, the role of peer-to-peer trading outside of the system has become a way for people to account for their assets in any form and trade them on the blockchain. This capability to value a person's identity and create new forms of payment mechanism for their labor creates not a competing but a parallel system to today's fiat money system.

The Dirty “CCC” The Invention of the Corporation, Colonialism, and Corruption

“First in an ignoble line was the East India Company, set up by British merchant adventurers and granted the Royal Charter of Queen Elizabeth I in 1600. Partners combined their personal stock, turning it into company stock to create the world’s first commercial corporation”

This experiment where people originally pooled together to share risk, fund explorations for trade, commerce, due to its structure of payout to shareholders as its prime concern, became the template for greed on steroids. When the management of a corporation sees as their prime goal to be the maximum return for their shareholders, invariably the stronger they grow in influence, if left completely to their own devices, they will squeeze all, corrupt all to achieve that goal. There are a myriad of examples there and evidence of destruction of the planet, wars, and conflict that serve as proof.

The main reason real wages do not increase is the bottom line expense and top-line profit mentality of corporations. The only way to balance this, in the view of the strategy of Tempus, is to give value to labor based on true accountability for their work. To do this without going into a government-led economy, which itself has proven itself to be the Capitalist-Communist model that China has adopted of late, is to tie the value of the labor to a decentralized global market.

The Breaking Off of China, Creation of Communist-Capitalism

Another Nixon-Kissinger-led strategy that led to today's emergence of China as an economic powerhouse, was the deal they cut with Mao in the 70s. The trade-off was China's break from the Soviet block in exchange for taking over the manufacturing sector of the US, in a shift of production from West to East. American “Exceptionalism” was running high in thinks tanks in DC and the One Road One Belt Initiative couldn't have been fathomed in any mind at that time in Washington. This break led to the US moving from a balanced economy to one that was solely based on services and the Military to protect its interests.

The Military-Industrial Complex and the loss of Democracy

The MIC as I call it, grew over time, quietly like moss on a stone wall, until the wall disappeared altogether. We have fought countless wars in the Middle East, Latin America, and Afghanistan, lost over $2 trillion in costs in the last 5 years alone, with overall US debt climbing to over $200 trillion.

Along with the unprecedented debt, war, and structures of society that have rapidly changed we no longer as a society sustain any more debt through war or acts of “God”.

COVID has taught all that a biological attack coupled with a dangerous cyberattack would probably render most Armies and Navies useless.

Any additional debt burden places all of society to become totally indebted to its central bank for generations to come. As an example It’ll take the US 12% growth for the next 200 years to pay off its current debt, there is no way this nation can do that on its own, with the design of the current economy.

Democracy has been truly lost to a great degree as now the survival of the country comes second to servicing of debt. The governments now pay first any national emergencies, debt default timelines by creating new debt, any risk to this system real or perceived call this MIC in action. As now the federal government, central bank and the MIC are indistinguishable.

The MIC does not know how to generate income, it only knows how to spend it through the defense of the nation. Thus to rebuild this into a true democracy, the people within the society must have the capability to be free and have the will to earn without the interference of the government. This is a true tenet of democracy and must be upheld through no centralized political power.

The Misuse of Capital Markets and the Offset of Debt

The stock market was never designed to fund pensions or to day-trade. It was designed to enhance a corporation’s capability to pool funds to enable larger infrastructure projects during the boom of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. In the twenties with little regulation, it became the gaming casino which it still is today, blue sky valuations of hundreds of times earnings, quant hedge funds, so many synthetic strategies. All of this does not help the majority of the people, actually, it will hurt them if the market falls and corrects due to overvaluation and corporations cut their spending. Unless another 2000–3000 companies are listed on the US markets, with higher growth rates, 12–15% compounded, the markets will not be able in the next 10 years to sustain the level of growth they have had in the last ten years nor stay on par with inflation. This will cause in my view a systemic collapse of the markets and a tremendous default and loss of value of pensions to the public.

Today most of the printed debt is set into bonds and capital markets, the Fed and other central banks will continue to play this game until thier debt ceiling is too high to bear, then the US dollar and other central bank backed currencies will fall tremendously in value.

This is the main reason why other nations are preparing for their own regions of influence as well as their own CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currencies).

The exposure of the Achilles Heel “Marjan”

The Achilles heel is the total debt of the US, the overvaluation of the US stock market, the fall of Oil as a resource. China as well is debt-heavy and needs to change its dependence on the West for its trade. It needs to transition its rural economy which is no small task. The exposure is caused by the rise of China as the manufacturing hub of the world, the control of China of all of the main critical metals and supply chains, and now the emergence of the digital Yuan. Here was start to see the first split in the regional blocks I spoke about at the beginning of this article. The China-Asia regional dominance strategy is Phase I now of the China block. The total domination of China of the Asia-Pacific region in all aspects of trade and finance will result in other blocks being formed. The North-South America block, The European Block, the African Block, The Islamic nations block, SouthEast Asian block. Due to cultural strategic reasons similar to why the EU was formed to prevent all-out war again, these regional blocks will form to create local boundaries that will be more important than national boundaries today. The Marjan part of this is that the Chinese dominance today has changed the US-led game of global “chess” as dictated by the West, to a new Eastern game, led by the Chinese “Marjan”. It is key at this time to ensure that within the regions as Globalization as we know it collapses, that people have a way to trade regionally peer to peer as well as globally on alternative systems of currency and value that are stable to be able to support themselves.

The emergence of a decentralized currency that is transparent

The new model of a true people-backed currency, backed by the real value of work, labor. A currency that is transparent, to peers per reputation of those who are using it, as well as to local governments that could tax it, allows a parallel economy to start that exists today but is not monetized. With all of the shocks in the world that are still to come, we must use all technical as well as creative, and innovative structures to finance our society.

